🎭How to WL (Discord Roles benefits)

WL - guaranteed minting slot, price 0.81 $APT

20% OFF WL - guaranteed minting slot, price 0.72 $APT

💎Ambassador (20% OFF WL) - our main assistants in the development of the project in the media space. This role gives maximum privileges and bonuses such as WLs, NFTs and Tokens Airdrops, etc How to get? To become an Ambassador, you must have in total at least 700 real subscribers in main socials and actively create content about Aptos Pirates. Apply here: crew3

☠️Boatswain (20% OFF WL) - the boatswains are very important. They are responsible for the running of the ship, making sure all the supplies are in order as well as the general maintenance of the pirate ship. Boatswains receive: -Whitelist with a lower price for the upcoming mint; -3rd level privileges in our project (future NFT mints, Airdrops, etc); -The right to participate in special NFT draws and other prizes. How to get? Reach level 10 in our crew3

⚡️Influencer (20% OFF WL) - Influencers who also contributed to the development of our community and invited new people. Influencers receive: -Whitelist with a lower price for the upcoming mint; -2nd level privileges in our project (future NFT mints, Airdrops, etc); -The right to participate in special NFT draws and other prizes. How to get? Apply here: crew3

🎨Designer (WL) - talented creative part of our pirate ship. Designers receive: -Whitelist for the upcoming mint; -2nd level privileges in our project (future NFT mints, Airdrops, etc); -The right to participate in special NFT draws and other prizes. How to get? Make a really beautiful, high quality and original creative work on the subject of Aptos Pirates. It can be anything - arts, videos with a high level of editing, 3D models, etc. Publish it in #🎨arts channel in our Discord

🔫Сannoneer (WL) - would look after the gunpowder and cannons, and would be particularly active during battle although his duties including maintaining the weapons during peacetime. Cannoneer receive: -Whitelist for the upcoming mint; -2nd level privileges in our project (future NFT mints, Airdrops, etc); -The right to participate in special NFT draws and other prizes. How to get? Reach level 7 in our crew3

🌱Early Member (WL) - the oldest and most dedicated pirates who have been on our ship since its very early days Early Members receive: -Whitelist for the upcoming mint; -1st level privileges in our project (future NFT mints, Airdrops, etc); -The right to participate in special NFT draws and other prizes. How to get? Only in Early Members Campaign(ENDED)

📝WL - just Whitelist for the upcoming mint and nothing more How to get? In special events and giveaways, check our Discord and Twitter!

👦Shipboy - our young and ambitious pirates, future cannoneers, boatswains and more Shipboys receive: -The right to participate in special NFT draws and other prizes. How to get? Reach level 4 in our crew3

🎬Content Maker Content Makers receive: -Now we can not say about specific rewards for this role, but we will definitely come up with something! Plus, if you can get this role, you'll likely get others! How to get? Make at least one good video, article, or some funny memes about Aptos Pirates. Post it in 📹videos / 📝articles / 🤣memes channel in our Discord. We will review your work and you will get role!

Last updated